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Friday, 9 May 2014

You Beauty Discovery Box May 2014

I've been really tempted by beauty boxes for a while now. I always love getting sample size products in gift-boxes and magazines, but I was put off by the lack of choice given to you by other boxes. Also the price. For some reason going over £10 and paying P&P was always a bit of a deal breaker for me. Jumping around blogs I stumbled upon the You Beauty Discovery Box and thought I'd give it a try. There's two things which are different about this box: you can choose the two products you are sent; and it's £6.95! They also send you some packet samples and a healthy snack so for me it was a no brainer. 

The best part is whilst you have to sign up for a monthly sub you can also cancel whenever you want meaning that you can cancel, wait for the next month and then decide if you want to spend another £6.95 depending on what products are available. One downside however is that some of the products you can choose from go out of stock so it's best to order earlier in the month.

Click read more to see which products I received in my box! :)

Let me start by saying that the box itself was an unexpected surprise! It is really sturdy and pretty; I'm a sucker for pretty packaging and was happy that paying a little less doesn't mean they skimp on quality.

I haven't yet tried either product so I will leave that for a later post. Before selecting the items for my box I did a little research on value for money. The Percy & Reed spray values at around £11 worth of product, whilst the Glamglow YouthMud is somewhere in the £20+ range. Along with a packet of Lizi's Naturally Toasted Granola and 2 samples (Caudalie Divine Legs and Dr. Organic Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Treatment Serum) I was really happy with the value for money I got from this box as well as to treat myself to things I would not normally buy. I am definitely going to be checking out what is available for the June box and placing an order if the options are as good as they were for May!


  1. You need to do a review of the products soon :P I just ordered a box myself today...

    1. I hope you ordered one of the Glamglow products! I haven't tried the hair stuff yet (haven't really had cause to use it) but the mask is AMAZING. I was stroking my skin for a while :P

    2. Yeah I got the mask and the oriflame balm, really excited to get them!
