I found this idea on Aisling's blog and thought it would be a great idea to borrow for the beginning of the month when I'm feeling a bit scatterbrained and trying to get myself on track, but also as a great way to chill out and just think about now rather than fretting about tomorrow and the next day!
- Making: I have this idea to start a project life album. All my supplies are currently in a draw, I might get round to that one day.
- Cooking: Aha I feel sick cooking is not a good idea right now! But I'm thinking healthy dinner later ;)
- Drinking: Assam tea Twining's <3
- Reading: The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle (ibooks).
- Wanting: Time to do everything; to update here more, take some photos, do Uni notes, finish a chapter I'm writing; get myself organised!
- Looking: Out the window - it's grey I love bad weather and my boyfriend just got a fire going!
- Playing: The Last of Us online, I'm an addict :)
- Wasting: The day! I should be doing something more beneficial than trying to blog.
- Wishing: I had a month off just to sort my brain out; but when I do have time off I hate it.
- Enjoying: I've been reading so much more lately and it has really rekindled my love of a good book. I waste so much time on the internet and staring at screens, it makes a great change to want to read and to be looking forward to the next story.
- Waiting: I have a book-buying addiction so waiting for a bunch of old books I bought from ebay to arrive.
- Liking: This sort of lazy contentment with ignoring life.
- Wondering: If I will ever get myself organised!
- Loving: My boyfriend and our fur-baby! That I am so lucky; I can sit here and type and have no major stresses at the moment (Uni is just sort of a given constant). I've been feeling very blessed recently with the life I have.
- Hoping: That one day I will feel like an adult!
- Needing: Lots of sleep!
- Smelling: My J'adore perfume a birthday present I tidied away and forgot about until just now!
- Wearing: Primarni - Lovely rose top I just bought great duvet-day clothes!
- Following: A bunch of beauty blogs and IGs and ugh I could drown in this stuff!
- Knowing: I'm somewhat apathetic about this whole blogging thing even though I really love sharing stuff so I hope I can keep it going and thing of more things to write about!
- Feeling: Very tired, but a nice kind of tired where you're almost serene because you could go to bed if you wanted.
- Feeling: A little bit ill, but that's ok. I've got a whole day to lay around, tidy my room and perhaps take some photos :)
I think this was good for me to fill out - it has made me anxious to get on with my day and do something even if it is only tidying up a few odds and ends.